I’m Back Baby

I’m back to blogging again from a long break when I was planning on. This blog will be anything and everything that is on my mind when I make a posting. This could be happy things (maybe) or bad things (maybe). I feel writing was and still is a good release for my mind. So lets start by making one, two, or three posts a week to get back into writing in on my blog while I juggle what life has to throw at me. Again these are my thoughts and opinions of such so coming here to troll me will not work for you.

So lets have fun and jump around.

Man In Dark Shades

Happy New Year (2017)

Happy New Year to my blog readers.  Have a safe and happy New Year’s Eve and Day.  I have some really interesting crap on my mind and I will start 2017 off with a big bang.  I will start to post 2 to 3 posts a week.  This depends on what I have to write about and the way Trump is going, I will have a shit load of stuff to write about.  Stay tuned for more to come in 2017.

Rant #1- Banks and Credit Unions SUCK!!!

First of all, I’m sorry for not finishing the A to Z Challenge.  Life took over blogging for a while, but I’m back now and the first post back is a rant from hell.

My rant is on how the banks and credit unions suck and are just worried about shades 2their damn selves.  Especially when dealing with mortgages and loans.  If it is a risk then they tell you no or make up some reason to not give out the loan.

I went it for a mortgage refinance due to try to get rid of credit cards as well as getting additional money to get a new roof on my house since it was getting bad.  I never made a late payment to this credit union since I joined it almost 17 years ago.  I did made a late payment on my mortgage in the past 6 months due to juggling bills around to pay them.

I have done everything possible but filing bankruptcy to pay my bills.  I’m not someone that spend to much money then what I bring in either.  Most of the credit card debt is from the time I was in college.  My debt had been going down very slowly over the years unless something comes up like a new roof is needed.

So I got a call after submitting an application and they denied it.  Their reason is because I missed paying a payment on time and it takes 6 months without missing one for them to do the loan.


It was just one payment and I can’t get a loan.  Bullshit answer!!!  They didn’t want to give me the loan because it was a lot of money for them to cover.  So now I have to figure out how to pay for a new roof without braking the bank or making me got insane.

So have anyone else had this type of response before from a bank?  This one pissed me off royally.